[Experimental] Testing Basic Models with Varying Epsilon Values and Model Counts for Non-Stationary Epsilon DecayΒΆ

import vowpalwabbit
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import itertools
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure

users = ["Tom", "Anna"]
times_of_day = ["morning", "afternoon"]
actions = ["politics", "sports", "music", "food", "finance", "health", "camping"]


def get_cost(context, action, switch):
    if context["user"] == "Tom":
        if context["time_of_day"] == "morning" and action == "politics" and not switch:
            return USER_LIKED_ARTICLE
        elif context["time_of_day"] == "afternoon" and action == "music" and not switch:
            return USER_LIKED_ARTICLE
        if context["time_of_day"] == "morning" and action == "health" and switch:
            return USER_LIKED_ARTICLE
        elif context["time_of_day"] == "afternoon" and action == "camping" and switch:
            return USER_LIKED_ARTICLE
    elif context["user"] == "Anna":
        if context["time_of_day"] == "morning" and action == "sports" and not switch:
            return USER_LIKED_ARTICLE
        elif (
            context["time_of_day"] == "afternoon"
            and action == "politics"
            and not switch
            return USER_LIKED_ARTICLE
        if context["time_of_day"] == "morning" and action == "food" and switch:
            return USER_LIKED_ARTICLE
        elif context["time_of_day"] == "afternoon" and action == "finance" and switch:
            return USER_LIKED_ARTICLE


# This function modifies (context, action, cost, probability) to VW friendly format
def to_vw_example_format(context, actions, cb_label=None):
    if cb_label is not None:
        chosen_action, cost, prob = cb_label
    example_string = ""
    example_string += "shared |User user={} time_of_day={}\n".format(
        context["user"], context["time_of_day"]
    for action in actions:
        if cb_label is not None and action == chosen_action:
            example_string += "0:{}:{} ".format(cost, prob)
        example_string += "|Action article={} \n".format(action)
    # Strip the last newline
    return example_string[:-1]

def sample_custom_pmf(pmf):
    total = sum(pmf)
    scale = 1 / total
    pmf = [x * scale for x in pmf]
    draw = random.random()
    sum_prob = 0.0
    for index, prob in enumerate(pmf):
        sum_prob += prob
        if sum_prob > draw:
            return index, prob

def get_action(vw, context, actions):
    vw_text_example = to_vw_example_format(context, actions)
    pmf = vw.predict(vw_text_example)
    chosen_action_index, prob = sample_custom_pmf(pmf)
    return actions[chosen_action_index], prob

def choose_user(users):
    return random.choice(users)

def choose_time_of_day(times_of_day):
    return random.choice(times_of_day)

# display preference matrix
def get_preference_matrix(cost_fun):
    def expand_grid(data_dict):
        rows = itertools.product(*data_dict.values())
        return pd.DataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=data_dict.keys())

    df = expand_grid({"users": users, "times_of_day": times_of_day, "actions": actions})
    df["cost"] = df.apply(
        lambda r: cost_fun({"user": r[0], "time_of_day": r[1]}, r[2]), axis=1

    return df.pivot_table(
        index=["users", "times_of_day"], columns="actions", values="cost"

def run_simulation(
    cost_sum = 0.0
    ctr = []

    for i in range(1, num_iterations + 1):
        # 1. In each simulation choose a user
        user = choose_user(users)
        # 2. Choose time of day for a given user
        time_of_day = choose_time_of_day(times_of_day)

        # 3. Pass context to vw to get an action
        context = {"user": user, "time_of_day": time_of_day}
        action, prob = get_action(vw, context, actions)

        # 4. Get cost of the action we chose
        cost = cost_function(context, action, i > switch_rewards)
        cost_sum += cost

        if do_learn:
            # 5. Inform VW of what happened so we can learn from it
            vw_format = vw.parse(
                to_vw_example_format(context, actions, (action, cost, prob)),
            # 6. Learn

        # We negate this so that on the plot instead of minimizing cost, we are maximizing reward
        ctr.append(-1 * cost_sum / i)

    return ctr

def plot_ctr(num_iterations, ctr):
    plt.plot(range(1, num_iterations + 1), ctr)
    plt.xlabel("num_iterations", fontsize=14)
    plt.ylabel("ctr", fontsize=14)
    plt.ylim([0, 1])
num_iterations = 100000
switch_rewards = 25000

leg = []
figure(figsize=(15, 9), dpi=80)

for ep in np.linspace(0, 0.1, 11):
    vw = vowpalwabbit.Workspace("--cb_explore_adf -q UA --quiet --epsilon " + str(ep))
    ctr = run_simulation(
        vw, num_iterations, users, times_of_day, actions, get_cost, switch_rewards
    plt.plot(range(1, num_iterations + 1), ctr)

# Instantiate learner in VW non-stationary epsilon
vw = vowpalwabbit.Workspace(
    "--cb_explore_adf -q UA --quiet --epsilon_decay --model_count 1"
ctr = run_simulation(
    vw, num_iterations, users, times_of_day, actions, get_cost, switch_rewards
plt.plot(range(1, num_iterations + 1), ctr, "--")
leg.append("Non-Stationary 1 Model")

# Instantiate learner in VW non-stationary epsilon
vw = vowpalwabbit.Workspace(
    "--cb_explore_adf -q UA --quiet --epsilon_decay --model_count 4"
ctr = run_simulation(
    vw, num_iterations, users, times_of_day, actions, get_cost, switch_rewards
plt.plot(range(1, num_iterations + 1), ctr, "--")
leg.append("Non-Stationary 4 Models")

# Instantiate learner in VW non-stationary epsilon
vw = vowpalwabbit.Workspace(
    "--cb_explore_adf -q UA --quiet --epsilon_decay --model_count 32"
ctr = run_simulation(
    vw, num_iterations, users, times_of_day, actions, get_cost, switch_rewards
plt.plot(range(1, num_iterations + 1), ctr, "--")
leg.append("Non-Stationary 32 Models")

plt.title("Accuracy of Models with Varying Epsilon Values", fontsize=17)
plt.xlabel("Number of Iterations", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Click Through Rate", fontsize=14)
plt.ylim([0.8, 1])

num_iterations = 1000000
switch_rewards = 250000

leg = []
figure(figsize=(15, 9), dpi=80)

# Instantiate learner in VW non-stationary epsilon
vw = vowpalwabbit.Workspace(
    "--cb_explore_adf -q UA --quiet --epsilon_decay --model_count 1"
ctr = run_simulation(
    vw, num_iterations, users, times_of_day, actions, get_cost, switch_rewards
plt.plot(range(1, num_iterations + 1), ctr, "--")
leg.append("Non-Stationary 1 Model")

# Instantiate learner in VW non-stationary epsilon
vw = vowpalwabbit.Workspace(
    "--cb_explore_adf -q UA --quiet --epsilon_decay --model_count 4"
ctr = run_simulation(
    vw, num_iterations, users, times_of_day, actions, get_cost, switch_rewards
plt.plot(range(1, num_iterations + 1), ctr, "--")
leg.append("Non-Stationary 4 Models")

# Instantiate learner in VW non-stationary epsilon
vw = vowpalwabbit.Workspace(
    "--cb_explore_adf -q UA --quiet --epsilon_decay --model_count 32"
ctr = run_simulation(
    vw, num_iterations, users, times_of_day, actions, get_cost, switch_rewards
plt.plot(range(1, num_iterations + 1), ctr, "--")
leg.append("Non-Stationary 32 Models")

plt.title("Accuracy of Models with Varying Non-Stationary Model Counts", fontsize=17)
plt.xlabel("Number of Iterations", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Click Through Rate", fontsize=14)
plt.ylim([0.8, 1])
